Final Build For Fall Quarter 2020

Most of the functionality we wanted to implement is working in the current build. We have begun the process of balancing and adding content i.e. Humans, Challengers, Items, and Story elements.  Currently the game can be played through without any egregious bugs (we hope). We have taken the game in a dark direction, but we are trying to be lighthearted about it. 

We made a pretty big shift in our design two weeks ago and moved away from a 3D environment that the player can walk around in and moved to a menu based system. It was definitely the right move, the game play is much more fluid compared to the clunky movement in the initial design. 

We really hope you enjoy our game. We have worked really hard the last couple of months to add as much backend infrastructure as possible and were very proud of what we have accomplished so far. Heading into the Winter quarter we will be looking to balance our different shops, items, and battle system and develop more story and tutorial elements to provide the player with more information when they just start out. 

Thanks for playing! :D

Files 67 MB
Dec 15, 2020

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